Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Scott & Verbena - Family Session

Before the snow fell, we had tons of fun shooting Scott & Verbena's family session in Charleswood. Here are a few from the shoot.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What do you do

...when you feel achy, stretched, tired and Braxton Hicks have got you down? Play with old photos of course!! Here are a few I was having some fun with this morning all the way from May.

Friday, December 11, 2009

In loving memory...

This post is to celebrate a life beautifully lived, and to mourn a tragic loss.

I would like to take a moment to apologize to creation in general, for being so flippant about the fragility of life and for being careless in my treatment of something so innocent, that was only guilty of bringing joy to myself, my husband, and all those who came to my door. Rest in peace, Pointsetta, rest in peace.

Two days ago, as I came downstairs in the morning, I was struck by the loveliness of the flourishing pointsetta I had recently purchased ($11.49 - Costco - THERE ARE STILL SOME LEFT!!!) I decided, with childish glee, that I would take some photos of the thing for use in general holiday cheer.

As the daylight was quite weak coming through my big dining room photography window, I bundled up (yes, i know, I bundled myself but had no thought of Pointsetta's equilibrius needs). I DID actually go out first, like a taste tester, to see if this was a prudent thing to do, and to my bundled, pregnant self, the temperature seemed quite mild. So out went Pointsetta, Mark II and me, working together to create a little holiday magic. Not outside for longer than 90 seconds, I never thought about any lingering effects that might cause complications for my muse....

Thursday morning dawned bright and clear, but alas, THIS time I was not struck by lush beauty as I descended, but by withered, blackening, lustreless petals - symptoms of DEATH!! Wrinkles of a life hard-lived. Drooping stems, the life clearly sucked right out of them. And shriveled baby petals near the centre, barely begun their journey of joy. All this, and I was responsible.

I heard through the grapevine that it was -30 on Wednesday...and I had no idea! OH, if only I had checked the temperature!! I humbly apologize, promise to always buy my pointsettas early, and will wait for better window light in the future.

At the risk of sounding too mercenary, I hope the photos end up being worth $11.49...PLUS tax...

If anyone has any insight on how to restore a pointsetta back to health, mine definitely needs some help...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Happy Holidays

Today I realized I had completely forgotten to post some photos from our road trip out west this summer!! My mistake. Here are a few of my favourites from around Jasper, even if they are 3 months late!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Aaron & Angelina - Engagement Session

Here are some photos from our session with Aaron & Angelina who are getting married in May. We had such a great time and can't for the wedding (where Candace will be doubling as photographer AND bridesmaid...AND have a new baby...)!!

P.S. Don't forget to click for a bigger file!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Baby Hannah - Newborn Session

Here are some shots from our session with little (*!*) Hannah - more baby toes and the most adorable little yawn ever!!